Yardley Dog Grooming

2-Hour Salon Grooming in Yardley

2-hour cageless grooming services are performed by our experienced grooming staff, who are also instructors at Dog Grooming School of Pennsylvania.  These services are offered when the grooming school is on school break and before and after grooming classes (8am & 3pm when school is in session).  Students will not be in the shop during 2-hour cageless salon grooming.  Your dog(s) will only be handled by an experienced, Professional Dog Groomer.  Please see our About page for information about our Professional Grooming Staff.  For your pet's safety, we do not use cage dryers. This avoids the risk of your precious pet overheating. Unlike chain stores, we do not employ bathers. Our Dog Groomers work on each client from start to finish, giving your dog the benefit of a Professional Dog Groomer for the entire process.  All clients must sign a Grooming Release and Hold Harmless Agreement upon dropping their pet:  Grooming Release

The salon we use for 2-hour cageless dog grooming is a quiet, relaxing dog salon in the borough of historic Yardley.  We have our own suite inside Dog Grooming School of Pennsylvania.

Dog Grooming Bath & Haircut Price Includes:

Bath With Massage; Nails Cut & filed; Face Trimmed; Sanitary Trim; Pads Trimmed; Ears Cleaned & Hair Removed; Thorough Brushing & Comb-Out; Standard Breed Clip & Scissor Finish; Hand Fluff-Dry; Signature Fragrance; Bandanna/Bow.

We cannot provide price quotes over the phone.

The below prices are rough estimates. Final pricing will depend on breed, weight, trim, pet's disposition and coat condition. Dematting is subject to additional charge. You must tell us at the time of setting your appointment if your pet is matted or overgrown. If your pet is matted, we will prorate our fee of $50/hour for dematting based on the amount of time spent dematting your pet.  If the below prices do not fit your budget, please check out our grooming school where we offer discounted grooming by student groomers:  pennsylvaniadoggroomingschool.com

Yardley Dog Grooming - Price List*

American Eskimo (Toy or Mini): $70 (Standard): $77

Australian Cattle Dog: $78

Australian Shepherd: $85
Australian Terrier: $70
Beagle: $70
Bernese Mountain Dog (90lbs+): $115

Bernadoodle (up to 89lbs): $120

Bernadoodle (90lbs+): $130
Bichon Frise: $75
Border Collie: $80
Brittany: $85
Cavalier: $70
Cavachon: $75
Cavapoo: $75
Chihuahua, Long Haired: $70
Cockapoo $80
Cocker Spaniel: $75
Collie (Rough) (up to 89lbs): $101 (90lbs+): $120

Corgi: $75
Dachshund, Long/Wire haired: $70
English Springer Spaniel: $85
Flat Coat Retriever: $90
German Shepherd (up to 89lbs): $90 FURminator (90lbs+): $100
Goldendoodle (full grown mini) up to 35lbs: $85 (36-89lbs): $110 (90lbs+): $125

Golden Retriever (up to 89lbs): $90 FURminator (90lbs+) $100
Great Pyrenees (up to 89lbs): $95 FURminator (90lbs+): $125
Havanese: $70
Jack Russell: $70
Japanese Chin: $70

Labradoodle (full grown mini) up to 35lbs: $85 (36-89lbs): $110 (90lbs+): $125
Labrador Retriever: $80 FURminator
Lhasa Apso: $70
Lhasapoo: $75

Lowchen: $75
Maltese: $70
Maltipoo $75
Old English Sheepdog (up to 89lbs): $115 (90lbs+): $130
Papillon: $70
Peekapoo: $75
Pekingese: $70
Pomeranian: $70
Poodle (mini or toy): $75
Poodle (Standard-up to 89lbs): $95 Poodle (Standard 90lbs+): $105
Portuguese Water Dog (up to 89lbs): $110 (90lbs+): $125
Samoyed: $107
Scottish Terrier: $80
Schnauzer (mini): $80 (standard): $90 (Giant): $100
Shetland Sheepdog: $95
Shichon: $75
Shih Tzu: $70
Shihpoo: $75
Westie: $70
Wheaten Terrier: $85
Yorkiepoo: $75
Yorkshire Terrier: $70

Flea & Tick Bath: $15

Toothbrushing: $15

We also offer at no extra charge:
Specialty Shampoo: (Whitening, Tearless, Hypo-Allergenic)

*Prices are subject to change without notice.

We do not groom cats.

Appointments & Pick-Up

All dogs must be brought in on a leash or carrier for safety. Your dog's appointment time has been reserved for your pet only. Therefore, we cannot service clients who arrive more than 10 minutes late for their appointment. Please be respectful to fellow clients by dropping off and picking up promptly. Our one-on-one grooming service lasts 2 hours. If you cannot pick up your dog 2 hours after drop-off, please choose another time. Any pet not retrieved 2 hours after drop-off will be subjected to a waiting fee, which is $25 per fifteen minutes after your 2 hour pick up time has passed.,  We do not have kennel facilities and cannot board your dog for any length of time after the grooming process is complete. Clients are not permitted to stay in the grooming salon during the grooming process.  It makes the dogs anxious when their owners are in sight while being groomed. For the safety of your dog, please do not arrive early to pick-up your dog unless we have called to say your dog is ready early.  If you arrive to pick up your pet and he/she is still being groomed, please DO NOT talk to your pet or allow him/her to see you.  Please step outside until the groom is completed. Every effort will be made to ensure your pet is groomed as safely as possible, but an excited pet can be dangerous to continue to work on. If you insist on talking to your pet or the groomer during the groom or refuse to  leave for your pet to be groomed, we reserve the right to end the grooming session, even if the groom is not completed, and the full grooming price will be charged.  


Because we book each dog individually, cancellations can leave an empty block in the schedule that could have otherwise been used by another customer. We respectfully request that any cancellations are made at least 24 business hours in advance or a cancellation fee of $70 will be imposed on your next visit. Business hours are defined as Monday-Friday 9am-5pm. We reserve the right to not rebook no-show clients and/or clients that cancel repeatedly or at the last minute.  


Any new puppy clients being serviced in our salon must be current on all puppy vaccinations. Adult dogs must be current on Rabies, Distemper and Bordetella. Please upload a current Rabies certificate to your intake form (button above) before making an appointment.  We cannot book a grooming appointment without first receiving a current Rabies certificate uploaded to your client file.  Please only upload an "Official Rabies Certificate" and not a photo of the Rabies tag, history report or receipt.  Your vet will be happy to email an Official Rabies Certificate if you cannot locate this in your pet's file. We only require proof of current Rabies vaccination; however, your dog should be current on all vaccinations.

Tipping the Groomer
Just as a hairdresser, manicurist, or spa technician receives gratuities, so does your pet's groomer. Most clients tip at the same rate as they tip for other personal services, around 15%-20%.  We cannot add a gratuity to the credit card transaction.  Please bring cash if you wish to tip your pet's groomer.  We accept cash, Visa, MasterCard, Discover and American Express. We do not accept personal checks. 6% sales tax will be added to your bill.

New clients, please complete a New Client Application and email a photo of your dog's Official Rabies Certificate to yardleydoggrooming@gmail.com prior to calling for an appointment.  (Please make sure it's an Official Rabies Certificate and not a photo of the tag, receipt or history report.)  Existing clients can call us directly for an appointment as we do not have online booking available at this time.